Lianro Metal Roofs Blog

A Year-Round House Design Calendar (Part 1 of 2)

When it comes to house care, most of us dread special holidays because for the most part, it “requires” you to “dress up” your house. Sure, it seems like a superficial tradition—even to an extent where you may have to spend more on decorations that your mortgage—but you’ve got to admit that seeing people appreciate your hard work and creativity, gives you that overwhelming sense of achievement. Which is why most of us tend to cram our entire home-designing prowess during Halloween and Christmas, leaving your house barren and lifeless for the rest of the year. It IS pretty tough keeping your house pretty, you know.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. You don’t HAVE to sacrifice the 10 other months just for 2 months worth of lighting and special effects. It IS possible to keep your house presentable and relevant THROUGHOUT the year.

Let’s say for January, the New Year brings in new beginnings and new challenges for the household. Which is why having newly planted buds in your garden (if it’s not sowing too much), or designing your house with a greenish theme would give the aura that you and your family are more than ready to face the year ahead.

For February, a red theme would be appropriate to signify your homage to the Love month. Roses would be a good idea for your garden, particularly the red ones. If gardening is not possible, then a rose-inspired centerpiece on the dinner table would suffice.

March would be a great time for you to give Spring a warm welcome. Color-coordinating your house with spring colors would be make it all the more exciting. But don’t forget to keep those green stuff handy for St. Pats day! You wouldn’t want to miss that!

April means Easter. And Easter means lots and LOTS of color. Which means you don’t have to ditch March’s already-colorful scheme, you can add on to it to further entice the Easter Bunny to drop by and leave some eggs for your kids.

May is Mother’s month. So let your wife decide on what she wants for the house. What better way to tell her that you appreciate her than by letting her mix-and-match her way to a prettier home? But don’t forget to honor our fallen brothers and sisters during Memorial Day. A properly-hoisted flag would be a simple yet intimate way of saying “Thank You”.

Summertime in June would be the perfect time for you to splash some yellow on your household. A little sun in your house can brighten up things—without the heat. In fact, brighter colors allow your house to stay cool than darker ones. So let the sunshine in and enjoy the outdoors AND indoors!

(For the remaining 6 months of the year, stay tuned for part TWO of our calendar!)


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