Lianro Metal Roofs Blog

Why Radiant Barrier is Better for Your Home

The main characteristic of effective roofing, especially for houses in Colorado, is its efficiency in protecting everything under it from the harsh elements of the ever-changing weather. A huge benefit is how resilient it is toward the drastic temperature dips and peaks brought about by Colorado’s ever-changing climate. We at Lianro Metal Roofs are very proud to say that our roofs are as effective as they get.

This is mainly due to the fact that our metal roofs are built with an insulation system that keeps homes within a comfortable temperature range, regardless of outdoor circumstances. They are roofs that actually keep your house warm when you need it, roofs that are not affected by humidity or any other elements that often cause other roofing systems to break down and falter.

Specifically speaking, our roofs are built with Radiant Barrier insulating systems. This unique system actively insulates, not by absorbing heat (which most insulating systems use), but by reflecting them away from the house. Because it uses a layer of metal film facing airspace, it doesn’t suffer from damages caused by increased humidity. And, because it utilizes the reflective characteristics of a pure aluminum film instead of the absorbent properties of conventional insulators (e.g., Styrofoam, rock wool, cellulose and fiberglass) it then causes the house’s interior to keep its natural temperature while reflecting away the unwanted heat from the outside.

Roofs that utilize Radiant Barrier systems prove to be the best kind for the typical Colorado homeowner because, not only will it keep you warm in the winter and cool in the summer, it will also keep the interior temperature consistent regardless of the weather conditions outside—so no fussing with the thermostat as the day warms up or cools down. You’ll save hundreds to even thousands of dollars in energy costs with a Radiant Barrier system!

A house that stays at just the right temperature regardless of conditions outside and substantial cost savings are just two of the benefits of installing a Lianro Metal Roof with a Radiant Barrier system.


  • Do I need to replace my roof?
  • How much will it cost?
  • Does insurance cover roof replacement?
  • What should I look for when hiring a reputable roofer?
  • What type of roof should I buy?
  • What is the advantage of a metal roof?
  • Is your crew made up of subcontractors or employees? 

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